Thursday 18 April 2019

Tips to Follow For Head Lice Prevention For Adults And Children


Children play together, at the school, in the yard, at the park and wherever and whenever. Unlike adults, children do not have proximity sensors developed and do not know how much distance to maintain from each other or other people. In their innocence, they do not see threats like adults do and the same case pertains to children not paying heed to lice in other youngsters and children. While they may not pay attention at first and once they have gotten lice the only thing left to do is damage control. Here are some tips for Head Lice Prevention that you can practice so that other children at your place or you may stay safe from lice. Although there is no extreme danger when your children or you yourself have lice it is not thought of as good and the constant itching can be extremely annoying.

The first thing to do is to separate items in the household that are shared by children. Things like bedding, pillow covers, pillows, scarves and hoodies should be washed in the machine with the hot feature turned on. Lice and nits cannot survive more than 5 minutes in high temperatures and this process will surely eliminate them from items where others can catch them from.

The next thing to do is to check the hair of other people at your place and your own because lice can take almost 6 weeks before the scalp starts itching. The areas you need to keep an eye out for are behind the ears and the back hairline. Lice usually lay eggs and can be found mostly there. Once you are done checking and picking on lice you can have your family take hot showers and advise them to keep under the hot/warm water for a few minutes. To take pick lice from anyone’s hair you need to use a special, lice picking comb which can be purchased from any reputable departmental store.

If you still do not feel satisfied with your family members being free from lice yet, you can check with a local clinic that specialises in head lice prevention and removal. These clinics have procedures that can be done which eliminate lice in the first sitting. Their service is efficient and they will be able to make your lice go away quickly and effectively. Apart from going to their clinic and then getting service they also provide home service albeit at an extra charge. If none of these options suit you and you want to go the

DIY route, these companies have a solution for that too. For example lice prevention and lice eliminating sprays, shampoos, conditions and what not. They are available for hair, body, sofas and other things as well.

To prevent other kids from getting lice from yours or to keep your children from getting lice from others, you can teach them to not share items that are used above the neck. Clothing items like scarves, hats, earphones, headphones and other things like that. You also need to make a rule about checking the hair of your children every week as a preventive measure. While keeping good hygiene in itself is a good thing but how lice are gotten because of bad hygiene is simply untrue.


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