Monday 30 January 2017

How to Produce an Effective Corporate Video in Sydney

Here is a very good method to plan your corporate video:

1) Write down a list of words that best describe your business. Brainstorm with your staff or somebody else, either he knows what you are talking about or not (that's the brainstorming, baby). Every business is unique. Also ask yourself how your customers perceive your business and how you would prefer they perceive it.

2) Choose the music. Be particular at this stage. It's good to find something not too repetitive, but a music that suggests your images in your head.

3) Write down those images. Those photos, footage or animation are your storyboard: they should tell a story by themselves.

4) And now put the information. With the emotional core of your corporate video that you have built with the previous steps your message is now ready to be delivered in the most effective way.

5) Finally, put it all together, and watch it back. Show your brand new corporate video in Sydney to other people - staff, customers, strangers - and see what they say. Sometimes they won't be able to tell you exactly if something is wrong, but they will help you identify the weak spots.

Keep at it, until you're happy with what you have and you are sure that you have captured the tone of your business. And once you have, then show it to the world.

This checklist is a very useful tool to avoid that your corporate video would be one of the usual dull and boring corporate videos that you have already seen.


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